Thursday, November 26, 2009


SEGAR AMAT...byk sgt kt2 nk diungkapkn.malam ni je ntah bape byk gmbr yg kitaorg tgkp...ntah berapa byk pose....hehe.pantang tgk kamera la katakan.tambah plak teman2 yang sggp menemani kitaorg smpi pg walaupun besok pg koje...time kasih byk2...kepada jai,wan,akmal,shafiq,aiman, mohsen dan orked...opss..mane ade orked.orked tu emi...

million of tq jugak kat tuan rumah kita...coz bg kt tidur kat sini jimat2 la duit kitaorg...hehe.sebnarnye bile blik kat umah ni byk mengingatkan kita ttg kenangan kita...gelak tawa,sedih tangis...teringat aku ng ayu wat sexy back.byk sgt kenangan tu...terlampau byk...semua kenangan manis yg kita ukir kat sini xmungkin aku lupakan seumur hidup...ssh nak jumpa org yag blh phm aku...coz aku ni kasar..sume la..bahasa kasar,perangai korg je yg blh tahan ngan aku ni...mintak2 ko xkan lupakan aku seumur hidup korang kan...

TERIMA KASIH jobongahling, TERIMA KASIH jobonsardeh, TERIMA KASIH joramruksan, TERIMA KASIH josyorikuck.........dan TERIMA KASIH sahabatku...

Friday, November 20, 2009

New chapter in UR life

new chapter in UR life have begin...a lot of outcoming prob out there..i new to start the blog here..n need more time to express my self.

last night i have the bad dream...i dont know with who i want to share last i found this site that i willing to shared..the most scaresss things have happened to all about kaum yg satu lg tu....ntah mcmne agaknye kan all this can happen.we meet, we date....and at last we???but tp yg hairan nye bknnye nightmare.but it is good for me...we away b4 the bad thing happen..for me u just the parasit that life coz of the taking the adv of the tree..and the tree now relies that it have been bite for the worse...however it just one lesson for me and for the others that "jgn percaya sgt dgn kaum ni"...sedar2 la sblum trkena....